Cloud Framework

Full redundancy, distributed cloud framework

During our many years of development, we recognised that some services were not easily available. A common thread was the requirement for a fully redundant, distributed platform. Recently the 'cloud' technology has evolved to become a commercial possibility.

With the number of requests increasing for solutions that require scalability and redundancy at a cost effective price, and with the lack of any current systems available to take advantage of the new technology, we started the development of our own cloud based framework.

The solution we developed, was the conversion from our multiple virtual private servers handling our media distribution. This produced considerable savings in running costs, and significantly simplify the management and reliability of delivering multi-media content.

In tandem with this was the development of the back-end server management and data redundancy framework. This is a load balanced system across two distinct data centres, and allows us to bring servers on and off line as demand requires. The system also includes automated monitoring and informs the technicians of any potential problems before they become an issue to the end client.

With the power and agility of this framework and the next client request, we created an intelligent and powerful distributed survey engine. Able to handle 'lumpy' loads and having high uptime reliability, this system proved to be a resounding success. We also integrated the survey engine with the media distribution, allowing video to be embedded at minimal cost.

Another requirement that became obvious was the need for a fully distributed content management system in which to host clients web sites, survey portals and media. With experience of a number of systems and the knowledge gained from the development of bespoke content management sites, we reached the conclusion that we would be best placed to solve this requirement.

Therefore the next client solution included the development of a powerful, fully distributed and data redundant content management system running on our cloud framework. This also included the full integration of the survey engine and media distribution systems.

All these systems are being continually improved, developed and are having additional functionality being included as demand grows. They have great flexibility due to being expandable via multiple plug-in architectures and a increasing number of APIs. A current development includes a bulk email engine allowing the management of web site users and survey participants to be integrated in a business process cycle.

A very exciting time for our clients and ourselves.


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