Health Protection Agency


After the success of our first project for the agency (LabSurv), the client requested our help in producing a web based infection outbreak manager, which was coined ioLog.

The requirement was to create a reporting and tracking system in accordance with national standards, allowing easy capture and tracking of information on infectious outbreaks. This was required to run on their IIS servers and developed in C#, .Net technologies.

We produced, with close consultation, an intelligent web interface to ease data capture. It includes a strongly audited change tracking and a powerful reporting tool. We also included discussion forums and a flexible user management system.

With a very successful pilot across numerous agencies in the east of England. We are making a few minor adjustments and preparing for a larger, multi-site regional use. We are continuing to supply support and additional functionality as requested.


After a decade of use, we where approached in 2018 to build a new version for the Nigerian government. At short notice and tight budget we reworked the application and supplied a heavily customised version to help their states to manage incidents and outbreaks across the country. We then supplied support with the set-up and installation.

At the same time we also added some new functionality to the original application to keep it relevant and applicable for today’s usage cases. Hopefully, it will continue to be of use for many years to come.

(Logo | Copyright © Health Protection Agency)